My Projects

Kubernetes Chaos Engineering

  • Implemented and containerized a live chat application using Python Flask, MongoDB, and Docker.
  • Deployed the application to a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud Platform.
  • Used Chaos Mesh to inject faults and examine system fault tolerance.
PythonFlaskMongoDBDockerKubernetesGCPChaos Mesh
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Python Socket Programming

  • Engineered a multi-threaded proxy and webserver using Python socket programming.
  • Implemented proxy server caching to reduce webserver load.
  • Developed safe termination protocols for server threads.
PythonSocket ProgrammingMulti-threadingCaching
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Stock Market Price Prediction using RNNs

  • Implemented and extended a research paper on stock market prediction using PyTorch and NumPy.
  • Adapted models for S&P 500 and Apple stock data, incorporating additional features.
  • Introduced Bidirectional LSTM (BLSTM) and optimized existing models.
  • Conducted comprehensive evaluations using Python Pandas.
PythonPyTorchNumPyPandasMachine LearningRNNLSTM
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Responsive Portfolio Website

  • Designed and developed a personal portfolio website using React and Next.js.
  • Implemented responsive design principles to ensure optimal viewing across all devices.
  • Utilized Tailwind CSS for efficient and consistent styling.
  • Incorporated smooth animations and transitions for enhanced user experience.
ReactNext.jsTailwind CSSFramer Motion
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